The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Devil or the Flesh?

having problems with demons.
He told me, "I majored in psychology and specialized
on the behavior of the sexual criminal." He had many
books in his personal library at home on the sexual
criminal. He wasn't a Christian at the time he began
studying these books.
In the course of time, he and his wife were saved
and baptized in the Holy Spirit, and he retired as the
head of the psychology department. When he first
retired, he didn't read those books anymore. For two
years he didn't have any problems. But he still kept
those books, and eventually, he started reading them
When he and his wife came to me for help, he told
me, "I don't know why, but I got all these books down on
the sexual criminal, and I began to read case histories
of child molestation again." He kept feeding that into
his mind and studying about people motivated by the
devil to commit sexual crimes, and an evil spirit got into
his mind. He began having a strong desire to molest
little girls. Finally, he began acting on that desire.
You need to be careful what you read. You ought to
be as careful about what you read as you are about
what you eat. You wouldn't think about eating poison,
would you? If someone told you, "Don't eat that! It's
poisonous and it will kill you," would you just go ahead
and eat it anyway? No!
Well, you need to be as careful about what goes into
your mind as you do about what goes into your stomach.
The devil can gain access to your soul through a book,
television, and so forth—by what you put into your
This man's wife eventually discovered what he was

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