The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

doing and filed for divorce. But when he finally came to
see me for help, she came along with him. He told me,
"It just seemed like I couldn't help myself." The devil
got in because he yielded to his flesh. He allowed an evil
spirit into his mind by reading those books. He had
opened the door to the devil, and the devil
accommodated him. Evil spirits were working with his
flesh to drive him to commit these acts.
He told me, "I know about this subject. I've studied
it and I've taught it. What happens is that the sexual
criminal usually ends up killing one of the little girls he
molests and goes to the electric chair. Brother Hagin,
that thing just got a hold of me. I didn't want to molest
those little girls. Can you help me?"
As he was talking, the Holy Spirit showed me that
in his case three demons were involved. I knew that by
the word of knowledge. You have to depend on the Holy
Spirit in these areas. You won't know what's operating
against a person unless the Holy Spirit shows you.
I answered him, "I can help you. I perceive that
there's not just one spirit driving you, but there are
really three spirits involved. First, there is a spirit of
deception that's gotten a hold of you. Then there's a
spirit of lying. And there is also an unclean spirit
involved. I can cast all three of these spirits out of you,
but it won't do a bit of good unless you do something
yourself about the situation."
When people sin, they have to repent and completely
turn away from wrongdoing before you can help them.
Anyone can be set free from an evil spirit if he's willing.
But what a person does after he's delivered of evil
spirits is of the utmost importance.
Is he going to feed his mind on the Word of God? Is
he going to get filled with the Holy Spirit and give the

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