The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Devil or the Flesh?

devil no more access to him? Or will he be like the
scripture says: “... EMPTY, swept, and garnished"
(Matt. 12:44)? If a person is delivered from an evil spirit
and isn't taught the Word of God, evil spirits can enter
back into him.
Also, you can't cast an evil spirit out of someone who
doesn't want to be delivered. If a person wants to keep
an evil spirit, he can. You won't be able to go against
someone else's will and get him delivered if he wants to
keep an evil spirit. That's why you don't just
indiscriminately try to cast devils out of people.
If a person really has a demon, you would do him an
injustice to cast the demon out of him unless you teach
him to get filled with the Word and the Holy Spirit. It's
the Word dwelling in him that will enable him to resist
Satan's attacks. If he doesn't get himself filled up with
the Word and if he isn't taught how not to give place to
the devil, the Bible says he can end up worse than he
was before (Matt. 12:43-45).
So I told this retired professor, "If you give me
permission, I can exercise my authority over these three
evil spirits for you. But as soon as you leave here, you'll
have to take a stand against the devil for yourself.
"You see, there's no use casting evil spirits out of
you and getting you delivered unless you are going to do
something about this situation yourself. Otherwise, the
devil will come back and find your house empty, and
you'll end up worse off than you were before," and I
showed him Matthew 12:43-45.
I told him, "In this scripture it says the man's house
was clean—swept and garnished—but it was empty. It
hadn't been filled with anything."
What do you fill a house with after it's been cleaned?

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