The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

The Word first, and prayer second. Never put prayer
before the Word. And prayer must always be in line
with the Word of God.

2 PETER 1:4
4 Whereby are given unto us EXCEEDING
THE DIVINE NATURE, having escaped the
corruption that is in the world through
God's Word, His exceeding great and precious
promises, are given to us so we can escape the
corruption of worldly lust. One way we partake of the
divine nature is by feeding on God's Word.
I told this retired professor, "I'm not going to do a
thing for you—I'm not even going to pray for you unless
you promise me you will do three things."
He said, "I'll do whatever you say."
I said, "First, burn those books. Second, don't ever
read books like that again because that's how you let
the devil in. You opened your mind to evil spirits. Third,
read the Word of God and pray in other tongues every
day. Keep full of the Word and full of the Holy Spirit."
A person can get saved, but if he's not going to walk
with God, read the Bible, go to church, and fellowship
with other Christians, he'll never amount to anything
spiritually. He'll always be open to the attacks of the
devil, and he'll backslide. It's what a person does after
he's saved and filled with the Holy Spirit that
determines how successfully he can stand against the
I taught this man how to keep from giving the devil
access to him. Then I cast those evil spirits out of him. I

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