The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Devil or the Flesh?

never even got out of my chair. I just pointed my finger
toward him and said very calmly "I command all three
of you evil spirits to come out of the man in the Name of
the Lord Jesus Christ."
In the spirit realm through the discerning of spirits,
I saw those three spirits leave, just like birds flying
away. It is not necessary to see anything in order to
effectively deal with evil spirits. The man didn't see
anything, nor did his wife or my wife. But I was seeing
into the realm of the spirit because the gift of discerning
of spirits was in operation. However, in the natural
there was no physical manifestation in the man
About a year later, this man and his wife came to
one of our meetings. They were back together, smiling
and holding hands. He told me, "Brother Hagin, I
haven't had a bit of trouble, praise God! I did just what
you said to do. I burned every single one of those books.
I've stayed in the Word and prayed in tongues every
day, and I've never had another bit of trouble or even
been tempted in that area. It's all gone."
If this man had been taught to present his body as a
living sacrifice to God, he wouldn't have had that
trouble with evil spirits in the first place, because he
wouldn't have been reading those kinds of books.
If he had presented his body to God, he wouldn't
have given the devil a place in him—in his thinking or
in his body. But he didn't know his carnal nature wasn't
redeemed and that the devil would accommodate his
flesh, so he indulged his flesh and those spirits were
able to get a hold of him. Actually, if he'd known his
authority in Christ, he could have dealt with those evil
spirits himself.
In some of these cases, nothing but the flesh is

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