The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

involved, so there's nothing to "cast out." In other cases,
especially in unnatural cases like this one, evil spirits
are involved. And in some cases it is a combination of
the two, the flesh and the devil working together.
For example, you can understand how a man might
get physically involved with a woman because a man
has a natural desire for a woman. Of course, all sexual
relations outside of marriage are expressly forbidden by
Scripture (1 Cor. 6:18). But when it comes to a grown
man molesting little children, that's unnatural. That's
beyond just a work of the flesh; an evil spirit is involved
in that kind of unnatural sexual desire, and it will have
to be dealt with for deliverance to be complete.

A 'Spirit' of Gluttony?
Once a woman approached my wife after one of our
meetings. She was a young woman, about twenty-eight
years old and obese. She said, "In our prayer group,
they cast the spirit of gluttony out of me, but I've gained
fifty-eight pounds since then."
My wife asked her, "Well, did they say anything to
you about your diet and about developing good eating
She said, "Oh, no. They just said, 'That spirit is gone
now. You can eat anything you want.'"
That's pushing the demon issue too far! Wouldn't
that be wonderful if that were true! Go back to the
Bible. What does the Bible say? It says, “... put a knife
to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite" (Prov.
23:2). In other words, you do something about
overeating. You cut off eating so much. I don't care how
many diets you're on, in the final analysis, the only way
to control your weight is for you to control your own

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