The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Devil or the Flesh?

eating habits.
In some cases, people may need a medical checkup
to see if a chemical imbalance is causing the problem.
But it's too easy to blame overeating and other fleshly
weaknesses on a devil and remove the responsibility
from believers to do something about overeating.
People are too often looking for a quick fix. "Let's
just cast that demon of gluttony out!" But God doesn't
always provide an "easy" way out because He's not in
the "quick-fix" business. It will cost you a price to curb
your own appetite and deny your own flesh.
These are some of the extremes that are being
taught and practiced in the Body of Christ today. People
can be gullible by following extreme teaching and
practices in any area. We need to maintain scriptural
balance and go down the middle of the road in every
area and not get in the ditch on one side of the road or
the other.

There's very little teaching about sanctification in
Charismatic circles. As a result, there are some ungodly
practices going on in the Church today. Basically, you
need to understand that sanctification is an ongoing
process. You're not just going to get sanctified one day,
once for all, so that you can never sin again. I don't care
how much of the Word you know, you'll still have to do
your part by setting yourself apart unto godliness.
In old-time Pentecost, some "holiness" groups taught
about sanctification. Their teaching was probably
extreme in some areas, but they did endeavor to teach
people to live a sanctified lifestyle. Living a sanctified
lifestyle helps keep your flesh under the dominion of

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