Turnips, including tops (8.8 beds);
requires 19.4 lbs/day
Peanuts (0.9 lbs); requires 34.1
Onions, regular (12.7 beds);
requires 14.0 lbs/day*
Cassava (3.3 lbs); requires 20.1
Rutabagas (13.4 beds); requires
14.7 lbs/day
Soybeans (3.8 lbs); requires 58.0
Beans (excluding Fava Beans) (4.7
lbs); requires 56.8 beds
Burdock (7.3 lbs); requires 17.8
- Assumes 2 crops per year OR yields that are 2 times the intermediate level
Note: Other root crops such as carrots, beets, mangels, and radishes are neither weight
nor area efficient and should likewise be considered as vegetable crops.
Vegetable Crops: Low-calorie-producing, low-carbon-producing vegetables for vitamins
and minerals.
The 60/30/10 design ratio was developed after
observing the results of theoretical GROW
BIOINTENSIVE mini-farm designs over ten years of
workshops. We noted that many of the designs were in
this range for planning a 40-bed growing area (using
4,000 square feet as a target area to grow a complete
diet). A 40-bed growing area is fairly manageable for
one person to do part time, once one’s soil and skill are
built. We also chose to use 40 beds as a target as many of
the world’s people only have access to such a limited
area. A growing world population will only reduce the
available farmable land. The skill of growing all your