Bartholomew, Randy Fish, Dawn Gri3n, Marie Laure
Roperch, Jake Blehm, Mark House, Robert de Gross,
Patricia Becker, Don Larson, Veronica Randall, Betsy
Stromberg, members of Ecology Action, and friends have
all made important contributions to the book’s content
and spirit.
We assume responsibility for any inaccuracies that may
have been included; they are ours and not Alan
Chadwick’s or Stephen Kafka’s. This book is not intended
to be an exhaustive work on the subject, but rather one
of simple completeness. Most of us at Ecology Action are
only beginning- to intermediate-level GROW
BIOINTENSIVE gardeners. The purpose of this book is to
turn on as many people as possible to a beautiful,
dynamically alive method of horticulture and life.