Note that at least three di<erent materials of three
di<erent textures are used in the GROW BIOINTENSIVE
method compost recipe and in many other recipes. The
varied textures will allow good drainage and aeration in
the pile. The compost will also have a more diverse
nutrient content and greater microbial diversity. A pile
made primarily of leaves or grass cuttings makes the
passage of water and air through the pile diHcult
without frequent turning because both tend to mat. Good
air and water penetration are required for proper
decomposition. The layering of the materials further
promotes a mixture of textures and nutrients and helps
ensure even decomposition.
Tip: Always be sure to add at least 3 different kinds of crops to your compost piles.
Different microbes flourish in specific kinds of crops. The result of this crop diversity is
microbe diversity in the soil, which ensures better soil and plant health.
Microbe diversity is very important in the growing
soil. Many microbes produce antibiotics that help plants
resist diseases, and healthy plants have fewer insect
challenges. Each microbe tends to have a food preference
—some prefer beet refuse, others wheat straw, and so on.
Therefore, a way to maximize microbe diversity in the
compost pile is to build your compost pile with a large
variety of materials.
Locating the Pile