How to Grow More Vegetables

(Brent) #1

reintroducing air. All kitchen scraps may be added
except meats and sizable amounts of oily salad scraps. Be
sure to include bones, tea leaves, co<ee grounds,
eggshells, and citrus rinds. Always be sure to cover
kitchen waste with soil to avoid flies and odors!
Add the soil layer immediately after the immature
material and kitchen waste. It contains microorganisms
that speed decomposition, keeps the smell down to a
minor level, and prevents ies from laying eggs in the
garbage. The smell will be diHcult to eliminate entirely
when waste from members of the cabbage family is
added. In a few days, however, even this soil-minimized
odor will disappear.

Soil is added to a compost pile after a layer of immature vegetation and
kitchen waste.

Watering the Pile

As each layer is added, water it thoroughly so the pile is

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