you to account for nutrients already available in your soil
for good plant growth; and increase yields. For
professional soil testing, Ecology Action recommends the
Timberleaf soil testing service.^1 This company specializes
in testing for organic farmers and gardeners, and is
familiar with Biointensive fertilitization practices. The
service analyzes all soil and plant minerals and the soil’s
physical characteristics—24 di5erent aspects, lets you
know the level of each, describes how much amendment
you need to add to correct de3ciencies and imbalances,
and tells you in normal English what it all means. Few
testing services do this. They can also provide follow-up
review and advice on your year’s experience in the
garden. Before having a professional soil test performed,
inquire if the test includes organic fertilization
If you are unable to arrange a professional soil test,
purchase a home test kit. Ecology Action recommends
the LaMotte kit.^2 With the home kit you will be limited
to testing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium content,
and pH. If you have di@culty growing healthy plants in
your garden, a home test kit may not provide the
solution. Plants grown in soil lacking any of the major or
trace minerals show their de3ciency in yellowed leaves,
stunted plant growth, purple leaf veins, as well as a
number of other ways.
Fertility in Context: Ninety-six percent of the total amount of nutrients needed for
plant growth processes are obtained as plants use the sun’s energy to work on
elements already in the air and water. Compost, soil, manure, wood ash, nitrogen