Soil-applied organic matter and manure can alter the
pH over time. Also, when adequate organic matter is
used, we 3nd crops will tolerate a wider pH range. Leaf
mold, pine needles, and sawdust produce acidic compost
that can lower the pH. Manures may be alkaline and
raise the pH, although they may lower the pH one point
in some instances. (For example, approximately 2 cubic
feet (3 3ve-gallon buckets) of manure (50 pounds dry
weight) applied per 100 square feet can lower the pH
one point.) Compost can be either acidic or alkaline.
Using the proper limestone with the correct mineral
balance is the least expensive and most practical way to
increase pH. Mined sulphur, a soil nutrient de3cient in
many soils, is an excellent amendment to lower the pH.
Although you can use organic matter to alter pH, you
will need to know your soil mineral structure, the
existing soil pH, and the pH of the applied material in
order to apply it accurately and in an effective amount.
Recommended Sources of Nutrients
Alfalfa Meal
2% to 3% N, .7% P, 2.25% K. Lasts 3 to 4 months. Use
41 ⁄ 5 to 21 pounds (18½ quarts)/100 square feet. A
quick-acting source of nitrogen and some potassium. (If
not organic, it can contain methoxichlor pesticide