available over a six-month period. Ash from wood is
high in potassium and helps repel maggots. Ash also has
an alkaline e5ect on the soil, so use it with care if your
soil pH is above 6.5. Black wood ash is best. Wood ash
provides strength and plant essence, aids in insect
control, and is a Javor enhancer for vegetables,
especially lettuce and tomatoes. You can produce it with
a controlled, soil-covered, slow-burning 3re built during
a soft drizzle or rain. This ash is higher in potassium and
other minerals because they do not readily escape into
the atmosphere as the wood is consumed by 3re. Wood
ash should be stored in a tight container until it is used;
exposure to air will destroy much of its nutrient value.
Grey wood ash from a 3replace may be used if it is from
wood and not from colored or slick paper.
Crushed Granite (Finely Ground)
3% to 5% K. It becomes available over a period of 10
years. Use 1½ to 8.5 pounds (0.6 to 3½ quarts)/100
square feet. It is not only a slow-releasing source of
potassium, but also of trace minerals.
Dolomitic Lime
25% Ca (calcium) to 14% Mg (magnesium). A good
source of calcium and magnesium to be used when both
are needed. Do not use dolomitic lime in a soil with an
adequate or high level of magnesium. Do not use lime to