adequate or high level of magnesium. Do not use lime to
“sweeten” (neutralize the pH of) the compost pile; this
will result in a serious loss of nitrogen. A layer of soil
will discourage Jies and reduce odors. 1 quart = about
3 pounds 8 ounces.
High-Calcium Lime (Calcite)
A good source of calcium when magnesium levels are
too high for applying dolomitic lime. Oyster shell Jour
lime (34% to 36% Ca) is a good substitute if used in a
limited way, but many sources are 2% lead. 1 quart =
about 30 ounces.
Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate)
23% Ca, 19% S (sulfur). Used to correct excess levels of
exchangeable sodium. Apply only when recommended
by a professional soil test, because it causes the soil
structure to be broken down and causes the soil to
“plate.” 1 quart = about 1 pound 4 ounces.
Dried Crushed Eggshells
High in calcium. Especially good for cabbage family
crops. Eggshells help break up clay and release nutrients
tied up in alkaline soils. Calcium also is instrumental in
enabling other nutrients to be picked up more easily and
e5ectively. Use up to 2 pounds (1¼ quart)/100 square
feet. Dry them first.
Manure (All Types)
The nutrient levels in di5erent manures will depend on