How to Grow More Vegetables

(Brent) #1
Horse 18.63% C .69% N .24% P .72% K
Pig—fresh 6.5% C .50% N .32% P .46% K
Sheep 19.6% C 1.40% N .48% P 1.20% K
Steer 11.9% C .70% N .55% P .72% K

Adding Fertilizers and Compost

The bed should be shaped before adding fertilizers and
amendments. Add each of the chosen fertilizers and
amendments one at a time. Avoid windy days, and hold
the fertilizer close to the bed surface when spreading.
Use the di5erent colors to help you. The soil is dark, so
sprinkle on a light-colored fertilizer (such as oyster shell
Jour) 3rst, then a darker fertilizer (such as alfalfa meal),
and so on (see illustrations below and opposite). It is
better to underapply the fertilizers because you can go
back over the bed afterward to spread on any left over,
but it is di@cult to pick up fertilizer if too much falls in
one place. Aim for even distribution. Next, add compost.
After all are applied, sift in the fertilizers and other
amendments by inserting a spading fork 2 to 4 inches
deep at a slant, then lifting it upward with a slight
jiggling motion.
Several things should be noted about the nutrients
added to the upper 2 to 4 inches of soil:

  • The nutrients are added to the upper soil layer, as
    occurs in nature.

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