How to Grow More Vegetables

(Brent) #1
occurs in nature.

  • The nutrients are relocated through the soil by the
    movement of larger soil organisms and when water
    flows downward.

  • Organic fertilizers break down more slowly than most
    chemical fertilizers. By utilizing natural nutrient cycles,
    plant-available minerals are released over an extended
    period of time, and so are used more efficiently and
    benefit the plants for their entire life cycle.

Broadcasting fertilizers

More Sustainable Fertilization

Each gardener should strive to use less and less fertilizer
brought in from outside his or her own garden area.
Here are some ideas to create a more “closed-system”
garden, to which few resources are imported:

  • Use most of the food you grow at home, so all the
    residues are returned to your soil. “Export” as little as
    possible of your valuable soil resource.

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