How to Grow More Vegetables

(Brent) #1
nutrients from leaching out of the soil.

  • Explore proper, safe and legal recycling of human
    waste. This subject remains much a taboo in many
    societies, however, research and establishment of best
    practices are critical for long-term sustainability. Most
    of the world’s soils have been significantly depleted of
    their minerals as we harvest the nutrient-containing
    crops without returning the nutrients to the soil.

Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K)
Pounds of pure nutrients/fertilizer to add per 100 square feet. The goal is
to reduce the nutrient deficiencies in the soil slowly over time. (If you add
large amounts of readily available nutrients all at once, nutrients not in
short supply in the soil may become unavailable.)


1 Timberleaf, 39648 Old Spring Road, Murieta, CA 92563-5566. (951)
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