the test of time, and that is why they are still available
for us to use. Many have been used for a century or more
and have been passed from generation to generation,
because of their health, vigor, insect and disease
resistance, and the beautiful color and taste of their
edible portion! In addition, they are seeds that you can
save this year, plant next year, and they will grow true to
type. As you select them, you will be creating a new
strain that has the characteristics you most appreciate
and that best thrive in your climate and soil. For an
incredible selection of seed varieties to choose from, see
Kent Whealy’s (ed.) The Garden Seed Inventory. It lists
all open-pollinated seed varieties of vegetables
commercially available in North America! You will be
surprised at the number of varieties, colors and
It only takes an average of 3% more growing area this
year to grow the seeds that you will need next year—and
you can begin a wonderful seed exchange in your
neighborhood! See “Growing to Seed,” Saving Seeds, and
Seed to Seed for more details. All are available from
Bountiful Gardens, Ecology Action’s nonpro9t
international gardening supply mail-order service.