How to Grow More Vegetables

(Brent) #1
Half-sized flats are easier to carry. This shallow flat, with evenly moist flat soil
and plants, weighs about 22½ pounds.

A half-sized deep flat (6 inches deep) ensures a manageable weight. This flat,
with evenly moist flat soil and plants, weighs about 45 pounds. Note: All
measurements given are internal dimensions.

Remember to completely 9ll your at with soil, or
even mound it slightly above the edge of the at, so the
seedlings will have as much depth as possible to grow

in. If available, line the bottom of the at with a^1 ⁄ 8 -inch

layer of oak leaf mold (partially decayed oak leaves) for
drainage and additional nutrients. You may place
crushed eggshells above the oak leaf mold for calcium-
loving plants such as carnations and members of the
cabbage family. Lightly sprinkle the eggshells to cover
one-quarter of the total surface area.

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