How to Grow More Vegetables

(Brent) #1

deeper than it was in the 9rst at. For many crops,
lettuce and the cabbage family in particular, it is optimal
for the seedling to be deep enough so that its cotyledons
are right at the level of the soil. Be sure not to bury the
growing point.
Lift out the widger and let the soil fall around the
seedling. It is often not necessary to spend time carefully
pushing the soil up around the seedling; when you water
the at, the soil will settle in around the stem and roots.
If the soil does need to be added to the hole into which
the seedling is placed, just gently sweep the soil into the
hole with a widger with one motion. Arrange the
seedlings on o<set, or hexagonal, centers to maximize
the space in the at and to optimize the mini-climate
that will develop around the seedlings as they grow.

Pricking Out

Lift the first seedling out of the first flat.
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