when you sowed the seeds. You may 9nd the moon had
an inuence. Extra-long-germinating seeds are also
planted at the new moon. They then germinate about a
month later.
Looking at the drawing of the moon’s phases, you can
see that there are both increasing and decreasing lunar
gravitational and light force inuences that recur
periodically during the lunar month. Sometimes the
forces work against each other, and sometimes they
reinforce one another. When the lunar gravitational pull
decreases and the amount of moonlight increases during
the 9rst 7 days of the lunar cycle, plants undergo a
period of balanced growth. The decreasing lunar gravity
(and the corresponding relative increase in Earth’s
gravity) stimulates root growth. At the same time, the
increasing amount of moonlight stimulates leaf growth.
During the second 7 days of the lunar cycle, the lunar
gravitational force reverses its relative direction, and it
increases. This pull slows down the root growth as
Earth’s relative gravitational pull is lessened. The
moonlight, on the other hand, continues to a peak, and
leaf growth is especially stimulated. If root growth has
been suRcient during previous periods, then the proper
amounts of nutrients and water will be conveyed to the
above-ground part of the plant, and balanced,
uninterrupted growth will occur. This time of increasing
gravitational, moonlight, and magnetic forces gives seeds
that have not yet germinated a special boost. Seeds that
did not germinate at the time of the new moon should