when you water, the pressure built up in the rose 9rst
goes up into the air, where much of the pressure is
dissipated as it ows through the air. The water then
softly falls on the plants from above like rain, with only
the force of gravity pulling the water down. When
watering growing beds, you may employ the same
method of spraying water into the air and letting it fall
back down, using a water gun or a valve unit with a fan
spray nozzle attached.^4 (If you use a water gun or a valve
unit, you may need a heavy duty hose to contain the
water pressure.) This gentle method of watering packs
down the soil in the bed less, and the plants are not hit
and damaged by a hard water spray. If you choose to
point the fan downward, stand as far away from the
plants as possible and/or keep the water pressure
adjusted to a low point to minimize soil compaction and
water damage.
English Haws watering can