How to Grow More Vegetables

(Brent) #1

carbonaceous material for compost and signiEcant
amounts of dietary calories.

Calorie-eCcient crops by which approximately 30% of
the growing area is planted in special root crops, such as
potatoes, leeks, garlic, parsnips, and Jerusalem
artichokes, which produce a large amount of calories for
the diet per unit of area.

The use of open-pollinated seeds to preserve genetic

A whole, interrelated farming system. When GROW
BIOINTENSIVE is used properly—with all of its
components and so all wastes are recycled and enough
organic matter is grown to ensure that each farm can
produce enough compost to create and maintain
sustainable soil fertility—GROW BIOINTENSIVE
Sustainable Mini-Farming can create soil rapidly and
maintain sustainable soil fertility. It is how each of us
uses GROW BIOINTENSIVE, or other food-raising
practices, that makes a living difference!

Note: Up to 6 billion microbial life-forms can live in 5 grams of cured compost, about
the size of a quarter.

The combination of these techniques makes it possible
to greatly reduce resources compared to conventional
agricultural practices while greatly increasing soil

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