How to Grow More Vegetables

(Brent) #1

agricultural practices while greatly increasing soil
fertility and productivity.

  • A 67% to 88% reduction in water consumption per
    unit of production

  • A 50+% reduction in the amount of purchased
    fertilizer in organic fertilizer form required per unit of

  • A 94% to 99% reduction in the amount of energy used
    per unit of production

  • A 100+% increase in soil fertility, while productivity
    increases and resource use decreases

  • A 200% to 400% increase in caloric production per
    unit of area

  • A 100+% increase in income per unit of area

However, GROW BIOINTENSIVE Sustainable Mini-
Farming (or any other sustainable farming practice) is
not a panacea. If not used properly GROW
BIOINTENSIVE practices can deplete the soil more
rapidly than other farming practices because of the high
yields. But above all, using only a single agricultural
approach to grow food would not be vital. It would be
another form of “monocropping” in a living world
ecosystem that thrives on diversity. Sustainable
approaches in the future will probably be a synthesis, a
sustainable collage, of:


  • Agroforestry

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