Tarragon 2’ 12–18
Thyme 1’ 6
Valerian 4’ 18
Woodruff† 6–10" 8–12#
Wormwood 3–5’ 12–24
Yarrow, common (Achillea millefolium) 3–5’ 12–18
Yarrow, white-, red-, or pink-flowered† 2½–3’ 12
Note: Many herbs have extra-long-germinating seeds (22 to 28 days). †
Generally based on our experience. Others are from the Herb Chart by
Evelyn Gregg, Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association,
Wyoming, Rhode Island. †† Normally started from cuttings or root
divisions, they often take 1 to 4 years to reach full size from seed. #
Spreads underground; keep it contained or plant where it can keep going.