How to Grow More Vegetables

(Brent) #1




GOAL: To create a sustainable garden that produces food
and compost for its sustainability

ow we come to the art of putting the theory into a
garden design. No publication can make gardening
foolproof! If growing plants did not involve real
learning and experimentation it would not be nearly so
satisfying. These plans were created based on what the
average American consumes each year, experimentation
with the 60/30/10 design concept (see this page) and
considerations for soil fertility. Everyone has di(erent
preferences and your “average American diet” will
change rapidly when you have abundant fresh
vegetables, grains and other treats to eat from your
garden! You will learn to incorporate your garden’s
abundance into your meals.
If you’ve never gardened before or are starting a
garden in a new area, you should research local
conditions and experiences. Talk to your neighbors who
garden, check with the county agricultural agent, or ask
at the local nursery.
You will want to know:

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