farming as a result of peak-oil challenges, as well as for a
love of nature and working with a soil teeming with life.
Start now with just one raised growing bed. Self-reliance
in your own “foodshed” will make all the di3erence in
the world. Each one of us has tremendous potential to
heal the Earth. Let us begin. As Gandhi observed, “to
forget how to dig the earth and tend the soil is to forget
ourselves.” In Candide, Voltaire points the way: The
whole world is a garden and what a wonderful place this
would be, if only each of us took part of our part of the
Garden! Each of us is needed. Building a truly sustainable
agriculture is an essential part of building sustainable
communities. As we build soils, we also build a culture
made of healthy living and e3ective farming, as well as
enduring communities. In order to accomplish these
goals, we need to shift our agricultural perspective. We
need to stop growing crops and start growing soil.
Granted, in order to grow soil, we need to grow crops.
But rather than growing crops for the sole purpose of
consumption, the goal changes to one of giving and
creating life-producing soil, and in the process, an
abundance of food. We must begin by educating
ourselves, then sharing what we have learned by
teaching people to understand the importance of
growing soil. Life makes more life, and we have the
opportunity to work together with this powerful force to
expand our own vitality and that of this planet.
Join us in this exploration! Despite its worldwide
impact, Ecology Action has remained a small