How to Grow More Vegetables

(Brent) #1

sometimes for covering small seeds in the growing beds.
As a result, he created a soil sifter for use with two 4-
cubic-foot wheelbarrows. One wheelbarrow holds the
soil to be sifted, while the second stands underneath the
sifter to catch the refined soil.
The unsifted soil is placed on a screened “pan” that
swings back and forth to speed the process. Pans with
diAerent mesh galvanized-wire “cloth” can be used
depending on the size of the sifted particles needed. At
the back of the pan is a hinged side which allows the
clods which will not pass through the mesh to fall to the
ground behind the sifter. The clods are later shoveled
into the empty wheelbarrow and used as soil in the
compost layering process. This tool made things a lot
easier for us.

Wheelbarrow Soil and Compost Sifter
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