How to Grow More Vegetables

(Brent) #1

Preliminary studies by soil scientists at the University
of California, Berkeley, indicate that in as little as a 6-
month period (and in as many as 8 years), the soil
involved in our tests (which was only a “C-horizon”
subsoil material at the beginning) was built up to a
humi5ed carbon level equal to hundreds of years of
natural soil development! If maintained, this
improvement may make possible not only the
maintenance of sustainable soil fertility, but also the
reclamation of deteriorated and marginal lands (see the
preceding graph). The GROW BIOINTENSIVE method
also nurtures the soil life and structure, utilizes
renewable resources, can be productive economically on
a small manual scale, and provides higher yields.

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Willits, CA 95490-9730.
To order Ecology Action’s other publications, see Appendix 5.


1 Assuming average amounts of vegetables, fruits, grains, beans, eggs,
milk, cheese, and meat are eaten.
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