and tips for dealing with our wilder neighbors.
- Inspiration. 6 topics, 13 pp. The bigger picture. Articles
that are Ecology Action’s key position papers and put
our work in perspective. - Limited Water Growing. 4 topics, 6 pp. Water-saving
techniques. - Small Cabin/Land Trust Information. 2 pp.
- Sustainable Soil Fertility. 16 topics, 41 pp. The heart of
our work—finding out how to have a really
sustainable garden or mini-farm. - Yields. 4pp. Outlines the factors master yield figures are
based upon.
- Composting for the Tropics. 28 pp.
- Living Quarters for Plant Roots. 6 pp.
- Plant Species Index for the Pacific Northwest and
General Reference. 20 pp.
- Intensive Small Farms and the Urban Fringe. Sausalito,
CA: Landal Institute for Small Farm Research, 1976. 93
pp. Based in part on Ecology Action’s research. - Jeavons, John. “Biointensive Sustainable Mini-Farming: