How to Grow More Vegetables

(Brent) #1

  • Jeavons, John. “Biointensive Sustainable Mini-Farming:
    I. The Challenge; II. Perspective, Principles,
    Techniques, and History; III. System Performance—
    Initial Trials; IV. System Performance—Continuing
    Trials in a More Difficult Environment and Soil; V.
    Future Potential, Some Representative World
    Applications, Future Challenges, and Research
    Opportunities.” Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, pp.
    49–105. Birmingham, NY: Haworth Press, 2001.

  • Martinez, Juan Manuel. Huertos Familiares. ECOPOL:
    (c.o. Edif. H10-1-2. Col. Lomas de Plateros, Mexico,
    D.F. CP 01480, Mexico), 1992. Booklet used by the
    nationwide program in Mexico to teach Biointensive
    mini-farming at the introductory level.

  • ———. Rotofolio Huertos Familiares. Rotofolio Huertos
    Familiares. ECOPOL: (c.o. Edif. H10-1-2. Col. Lomas
    de Plateros, Mexico, D.F. CP 01480, Mexico), 1992.
    Flipchart used for teaching Biointensive mini-farming
    in villages in Mexico.

  • A Preliminary Assessment of the Applicability of
    French Intensive/Biodynamic Gardening Techniques in
    Tropical Settings. Santa Barbara, CA: Direct
    International Development/Direct Relief Foundation,
    1978. 47 pp. Report from on-site visits to 4 intensive
    demonstration gardens in Central America.

  • Seshadri, C. V., et al. Biodynamic Gardening. Vol. 4.
    Tharamani, Tamil Nadu: Shri AMM Murugappa
    Chettiar Research Centre (Tharamani, Tamil Nadu, 600

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