vegetables, list of
vertical location of p lant’s edible p ortion, 6.1, 6.2
weed control and
Comp anion Plants and How to U se Them (Philbrick),
Comp lete texturizing double dig, 1.1, 1.2
Comp ost and comp osting,. See also Manures
adding comp ost, techniques for
ap p lication rates
avoidable materials for
benefits of
biodynamic comp osting method
building p iles
carbon-and-calorie crop s and
carbon/nitrogen ratio of comp ost p ile
cold comp osting, 3.1, 3.2
containers for p iles
curing rates
different crop s in p ile
double-digging, adding to
Ecology Action’s goals
efficient comp osting
functions of comp ost
goals for
hot comp ost p iles
locating p iles
maximum maintenance dressing of
methods, comp arison of
in nature