in nature
non-soil comp ost
nutrients from, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2
from outside garden sources
and p H of soil
p rocess of
Rodale comp osting method
sheet comp osting
sifting comp ost
size of p ile
smell of comp ost p ile
soil in p ile, 3.1, 3.2
soil modifier, comp ost as
source of comp ost
starter garden p lan, comp osting crop s in, 9.1, 9.2
step -by-step guide to building p iles
timing for building
turning comp ost p ile
typ es of p iles
watering p iles
weeds in comp ost p ile
wheelbarrow soil and comp ost sifter
Containers for comp ost p iles
Cool-season crop s
as carbon-and-calorie crop
comp anion p lanting with
in comp ost p ile
cucumbers grown with