Growing to Seed (Ecology Action), 5.1, 8.1
Gyp sum
Hananoo culture
Hand broadcasting seeds
Hand forks
Hand-p icking insects
Hardening off seedlings
Haws watering can
Heavy feeders. See also Comp anion p lanting; Rotations
in p lanting
nutrient requirements
Heavy givers. See also Comp anion p lanting; Rotations in
p lanting
nutrients from
Hemlock in comp ost
Henbit, comp anion p lanting with
insect/p est control and
Master Chart for herb sp acing
High-calcium lime
High-calorie crop s, design ratios for
High-yield comp osting
History of GROW BIOINTENSIVE Sustainable Mini-
Home soil tests
Horseradish, comp anion p lanting with
Hot comp ost p iles
Hot-season crop s