Lincoln, Abraham
Living mulch shade cover
Locating comp ost p iles
Loss of nutrients and humus
Lovage, comp anion p lanting with
Lunar cycle, p lanting by
Magnolia leaves in comp ost
Main-season crop s, rotation for
Malaria mosquitoes, p lant controls for
Malo family, rotation p lanting with
Manor House Agricultural Centre
Manual p low. See U -bar
Manures, 1.1, 3.1
cat and dog manures in comp ost
comp arisons of
green manures
limiting use of
and p H of soil
as soil modifiers
comp anion p lanting with, 6.1, 6.2
for nematode control
for white fly control
Marjoram, comp anion p lanting with, 6.1, 6.2
Master Charts, itr.1, 8.1
for calorie crop s
for cane crop s
for energy crop s