in front of you. A long-handled tool means that you must
hold it at your side. This position does not allow for a
simple, direct posture. Most people +nd that D-handled
tools are less tiring. However, people with back
problems may need long-handled tools. In fact, anyone
with chronic pain or other health problems should check
with their physician before proceeding with the
physically active process of doubling-digging.
The &at spade has a particular advantage in that it digs
equally deep all along its edge rather than in a pointed
V pattern. The &at edge is preferable as all points in the
bed should be dug to an equal depth. The blade on the
&at spade also goes into the soil at less of an angle and
without the usual shovel’s curve. Therefore, the sides of
the bed can be dug perpendicular or even diagonally
outward into the path, a plus for root penetration and
water flow.
For Seed Propagation
The proper tools will make the work easier and more productive.
Hand fork