Rows, beds vs., 1.1
Rue, comp anion p lanting with
Russia, biointensive work in
Rutabagas and comp ost efficiency
Sage and comp anion p lanting
Sahara desert
Salsify and comp ost efficiency
Salts, weeds withdrawing
Sandy soils, comp ost for
Saving Seeds (Bountiful Gardens), 5.1
in manures, 1.1, 4.1
and p H of soil
Science magazine, 8.1
Season, p lanting in
Second law of thermodynamics
Seedling flats
row maker for
soil for
Seedlings. See also Seedling flats; Transp lanting
p ricking out
roots of, 5.1, 5.2
sp otting
watering, 5.1, 5.2
Seeds,. See also Op en-p ollinated seeds; Seedlings
germination p roblems, causes of
mesh frames for p lanting
moon, p lanting by p hases of