Summer savory, comp anion p lanting with
comp anion p lanting with
rotation p lanting with
sun needs of
Sun/shade needs
Surface cultivation, 1.1, 3.1
designing for fertility
Ecology Action’s goals
garden p lan for sustainable diet design
goals for achieving
GROW BIOINTENSIVE Sustainable Mini-Farming and
loss of nutrients and humus
99% sustainability, need for
100% sustainability
The Sustainable Vegetable Garden (Jeavons & Cox), 9.1
Sweet p otatoes and comp ost efficiency
Swiss chard, soil temp erature conditions for
Synergistic p lanting
Syntex Corp oration
Syrp hid flies, insect/p est control with
Tachinid flies
insect/p est control with
Tack trap , blocking ants with
Tanglefoot Pest Barrier, 7.1, 7.2
for ant control