Chagas’ disease 298
Chain, Ernst Boris 62,131,
channels 62, 260
chaparral 62
chaperonin 62–63
character 63
character displacement 63
charge number 257
charge-transfer complex 63
Charophyceae (stoneworts) 9
chelation 63
chelation therapy 63
chemical equilibrium 63
chemical shift. Seenuclear
magnetic resonance
chemiosmosis 63
chemoautotroph 32
(chemolithotroph) 63
chemoheterotroph 63
chemoprophylaxis 276
chemoreceptor 63
chemotherapy 63
chiasma 63
chigger 63–64
chigoe flea 64
chirality 64
chi-square test 64
chitin 64
chlamydospore 64
chlorenchyma 260
chlorin 64
Chlorophyceae (green algae)
chlorophyll 64
chloroplasts 60, 64
chloroxybacteria 9
cholera 64, 189
cholesterol 64, 90
chondrichthyes 64–65
chondrin 65
chondroblasts 55, 128
chordate (Chordata) 65, 247
chorion 65
chorionic villus sampling 65
Christin, Jean 60
chromatid 61,63, 187
chromatin 60,65,119, 251
chromatography 65
Chromista 65
chromophore 65
chromosome 58, 61,65,66,
chronic 65
Chrysolina quadrigemina
Chrysomia bezziana 302
Chrysophyceae 9
chytrid 65
cilium (cilia) 58, 65,65,68,
Cimicidae 162
circadian rhythms 40, 69
circular dichroism (CD) 69,
circulation 82
circulatory system 54, 71,
71, 101, 163, 254
cis69, 333
cisplatin 69
cistron 69
citric acid cycle 191, 380,
clade 155
cladistics 69
cladogenesis 69
cladogram 69
class 69
classical conditioning
(associative learning) 30,
69,254, 261
cleavage 69
cleavage furrow 69
cleft lip (harelip) 156
cleistogamous 69
cleptoparasite 69–70
climate 82, 85, 135
climax 70
cline 70
cloaca 70
clonal deletion 70
clonal selection theory
(Burnett theory) 71
clone 71, 225
cloning, gene 140
cloning vector 71
closed circulatory system 71,
Clostridium botulinum 17
Clostridium tetani 323
cluster 71
clusters of differentiation
(CD) 71
clutch 72
CMI (cell-mediated immunity)
Cnidaria 214
CNS (central nervous system)
31, 60
CoA (coenzyme A) 207
CoA (cofactor A) 2
coagulation (blood clotting)
160, 160
coastal sagebrush See
cobalamin (Vitamin B 12 ) 72
coccyx 340
cochlea 37, 72,72, 73
Cochliomyia hominivortax
cockroach (Blattidae) 72
cocoon 200–202, 228
Codex Leicester 199
codominance 72
codon 22, 72,74, 74
coefficient of kinship 74
coefficient of variation 74
coelacanth 74
coelom 3, 74
coelomate 74, 95
coenocytic 74
Coenonympha tullia(plain
ringlet butterfly) 158
coenzyme 2, 74
coenzyme A (CoA) 207
coevolution 75
cofactor 75
cofactor A (CoA) 2
cohesion 75
coitus 75
cold-blooded organism 106
Coleoptera (beetles) 75
collagen 75, 75
collagenoblast 128
collecting duct 75
Collembola 76
collenchyma cells 76, 152
Collins, Michael 228
colloidal bismuth subcitrate
(CBS). SeeDe-nol
colony-stimulating factor
(CSF) 76
Colorado potato beetle
decemlineata) 158
combinatorial library 76
combinatorial pleiotropy 270
CoMFA (comparative
molecular field analysis) 76
commensalism 76
community 76
companion cell 76
comparative genomic
hybridization (CGH) 68
comparative molecular field
analysis (CoMFA) 76
competitive exclusion
principle (Gause’s law) 76
competitive inhibitor 76
complementary DNA (cDNA)
complement fixation 77
complement system 77
complete digestive tract 77,
complete flower 77
Compositae (Asteraceae) 77,
compound 79
compound eye 79,79, 254
Compsilura 158
computational chemistry 80
computed tomography (CT)
computer-assisted drug design
(CADD) 80
concanavalin A 80
condensation reaction
(dehydration reaction) 80,
conditioned reflexes 261
cone 80–81, 81
cone cell (eye) 80
confidence limits 80
configuration 80
conformation 80
congener 80
conidiophore 80
conidium 80
conifer (gymnosperm) 19,
26, 80–81,81, 154
conjugated protein
(glycoprotein) 150
conjugation 81
connective tissue (myofascial
matrix; fascia) 81
consensus sequence 81
conservation biology 81
conspecific 81
constitutional abnormalities
constitutional isomerism 182
constitutive heterochromatin
contact dermatitis 285– 286
continental drift 81,81–82,
151, 347
continuous-wave ENDOR
contraception 82
contractal ring (cleavage
furrow) 69
contrast agent 82
convection 82
convergent evolution 82
cooperativity 82
coordination 82
coordination formulas 82
coordination names 82
coordination numbers 82
copper 348
copperbinding sites 332
cordilleran 82
Cori, Carl Ferdinand 82–83
Cori, Gerty Theresa (née
Radnitz) 83
cork cambium 83
corphin 83
corpora allata 183
corpus luteum 83
corrin 83
cortex 83
cortisone 160–161, 186
corymb 175, 176
cosmetics, regulation of 133
coterie 83
cotransport 83
cotyledons 84
countercurrent exchange 84
Cournand, André-Frédéric
84, 295
court(lek) 84
covalent bonds 48, 84
Craniata 340
386 Index