Keto Comfort Foods

(sharon) #1

Cinnamon Roll Bread Pudding

prep time: 15 minutes, plus time to cool bread and bread pudding
cook time: 1 hour 20 minutes yield: 12 servings

This bread pudding is not only super-tasty, but also
extremely low in carbs because there are no nut flours
in it. And this recipe is friendly to those who need to
remain dairy-free.


½ cup vanilla egg white protein powder or beef
protein powder
½ cup Swerve confectioners’-style sweetener or
equivalent amount of powdered stevia or erythritol
(see here)
12 large egg whites
2 teaspoons cream of tartar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon


1 cup unsweetened cashew milk or almond milk (or
full-fat coconut milk if nut-free)
½ cup heavy cream (or full-fat coconut milk if dairy-

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