Keto Comfort Foods

(sharon) #1

I love to create beautiful food. I enjoy being in the kitchen
on a rainy day. (If it’s nice out, I prefer to be outside on my
bicycle or kayak!) I’m not one to meditate on a mat with my
eyes closed. I like to think of my cooking and baking time
as mindful meditation.

Some healthcare clinics and counselors are using cooking or
baking as a therapy tool for people suffering from
depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems.
Sounds crazy, right? But cooking soothes stress, builds self-
esteem, and helps curb negative self-talk by focusing the
mind on following a recipe.

It has helped me stick to this lifestyle for over a

If it were up to Craig, I would make meatloaf cake instead
of my Death by Chocolate Cheesecake (here) for birthdays,
but I love dessert. Having keto treats at home helps me say
no to a slice of cake at a party. If I never let myself have a
treat like keto ice cream (I always have some on hand), I
wouldn’t be able to say no to sugar-filled treats. Allowing
myself keto indulgences ensures that I never feel deprived.

And with the recipes in this book, you will never feel
deprived, either! Whether your old favorite comfort foods
were sugary desserts or carb-laden bowls of pasta, I’ve got
you covered. Enjoy!

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