Keto Comfort Foods

(sharon) #1


Stuffed Meatballs

prep time: 5 minutes (not including time to make dressing) cook
time: 17 minutes yield: 12 meatballs (2 per serving as an appetizer,
3 as a meal)

These meatballs are so amazing that I often make a
triple batch and store unbaked meatballs in the
freezer for easy appetizers or meals. If you can’t find
large cheese curds, about ½ inch in size, you can use
a few smaller cheese curds per meatball instead, or
substitute cubed cheese.

1 tablespoon ghee or unsalted butter (or coconut oil if
¼ cup chopped onions
½ teaspoon fine sea salt
1 pound ground beef
½ cup finely chopped mushrooms
½ cup powdered Parmesan cheese (see here; omit for
1 large egg
12 large cheese curds or ½-inch cubes of fontina or
cheddar cheese (omit for dairy-free)
12 strips bacon, cut in half lengthwise

serving options

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