Keto Comfort Foods

(sharon) #1

heat, whisking, until the butter froths and brown (but
not black!) flecks appear, about 6 minutes. Reduce the
heat to low. Add the cauliflower, onions, and celery to
the browned butter and sauté for 2 minutes. Add the
cream cheese and ¼ cup of the broth and whisk until
well combined.

  1. Add the rest of the broth to the pot and cook over
    medium heat until the veggies are tender, about 7
    minutes. Do not allow the soup to boil. Stir in the clams
    with the juices just before serving. If they cook too
    long, they will get tough. Season with the salt and
    pepper and serve.

  2. Store extras in an airtight container in the
    refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat in a saucepan over
    medium heat for a few minutes or until warmed

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