Keto Comfort Foods

(sharon) #1


Eggs are an amazingly nutritious food, especially the yolks,
which are full of choline, healthy fats, and a ton of flavor.
And high-quality eggs—those from healthy, happy,
humanely raised hens—are even more nourishing and
tastier. So which eggs are the best quality?

Brown or White Eggs: There’s absolutely no difference in
quality between brown and white eggs; the only thing that
determines the color of an egg is the breed of the hen. Do
not choose eggs based on color.

Egg Grades: Eggs can be grade AA, A, or B. There is little
to no difference in the taste, though, and no difference in
nutritional value. Grade AA eggs have the thickest, firmest
whites and high, round yolks. This grade of egg is virtually
free of defects and is best for frying, poaching, or methods
where presentation is important. Grade A eggs are the same
quality as grade AA, but the whites are categorized as
“reasonably” firm. Most grade B eggs are sold to
restaurants, bakeries, and other food institutions and are

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