Perfect Reverse-Sear Prime Rib
with Tiger Sauce
prep time: 8 minutes, plus 8 hours to marinate cook time: 3½ to 5½
hours, depending on lowest available oven temperature yield: 16
Have you ever made prime rib and ended up with a
disappointing gray steak? That often happens when
you sear the roast first, then slowly cook it through.
Never again! The reverse-sear method used in this
recipe keeps the prime rib nice and pink, and the sear
at the end gets the outside nice and crispy.
For the most tender meat possible, I highly
recommend that you roast the prime rib at the ultra-
slow-cooking temperature of 150°F. However,
because the lowest temperature on some ovens is
200°F, I’ve included directions for cooking the roast at
that higher temperature as well.
prime rib
1 (8-pound) boneless prime rib roast
2½ tablespoons fine sea salt
1½ tablespoons ground black pepper
½ cup softened ghee or unsalted butter