Keto Comfort Foods

(sharon) #1

Sole Meunière

prep time: 5 minutes cook time: 6 minutes yield: 4 servings

One of my favorite scenes in the movie Julie and Julia
is when Julia Child arrives in France and has her first
meal of sole meunière, a dish of pan-fried fish bathed
in a beautiful butter sauce. She swoons over how
lovely the fish is and how much butter the fish is in. It
is enough to make even someone who doesn’t like
fish a fan!

4 (4-ounce) sole fillets
Ground black pepper
½ cup powdered Parmesan cheese (see here)
2 tablespoons ghee or avocado oil
¼ cup plus 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, divided
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley leaves
Lemon wedges or slices, for serving

  1. Rinse the fish and pat it dry. Lightly sprinkle both
    sides of the fish with pepper.

  2. Place the Parmesan cheese in a pie pan. Dredge
    each fillet on both sides in the Parmesan and set aside
    on a plate next to the stove.

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