Keto Comfort Foods

(sharon) #1

sugar and insulin. Xylitol has been known to kick some
people out of ketosis, so if you’re using it in baking or
cooking, monitor your ketones closely and stop using it if
you find that you’re no longer in ketosis.

• Yacón syrup: A thick syrup that is pressed from the yacón
root and tastes a bit like molasses. I use yacón syrup
sparingly—a tablespoon here and there to improve the
texture and flavor of my sauces—both because it is very
expensive and because it has some fructose in it.

using sweeteners in the recipes in this book

If you’re trying keto for the first time, the recipes in this
book should have just the right amount of sweetness. But as
you continue with a ketogenic lifestyle, you may find that
food naturally begins to taste sweeter, and you may want to
reduce the amount of sweetener used in the recipes.

Whenever a recipe requires a powdered sweetener, my go-to
choice is the powdered (confectioners) form of Swerve
because it gives a smoother finished product and better
overall results. That said, you can always pulverize a
granular form of erythritol, such as Wholesome! All-Natural
Zero, in a blender or coffee grinder to get a powdered

If a recipe calls for a specific sweetener or type of sweetener
(such as powdered or liquid), do not substitute any other
sweeteners; these recipes rely on these particular sweeteners.
For example, in recipes where the sweetener has to melt,

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