Keto Comfort Foods

(sharon) #1

For example, if a recipe calls for 1 cup of confectioners’-
style Swerve, I use:

½   cup confectioners’-style    Swerve

1   teaspoon    stevia  glycerite

10  to  15  drops   liquid  monk    fruit

Adding a pinch of salt will also increase the sweetness
because salt is a flavor enhancer.

So if you think that desserts made with Swerve have too
much of an aftertaste or a cooling effect on your mouth, I
highly recommend that you try making baked goods and
keto ice cream with this combination of sweeteners.

The less Swerve/erythritol you use in keto ice cream, the
less hard your ice cream will freeze. Sometimes the divine
taste of natural organic heavy cream is enough, and all you
need to add is a teaspoon of stevia glycerite. Then your ice
cream won’t harden like a rock. Slowly add the natural
sweetener to the ice cream and adjust the sweetness before
churning or making ice pops or push pops.

substitutions for high-carb foods

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