Encyclopedia of Comic Books and Graphic Novels
418 MILLER, FRANK (2004), Ultimate Fantastic Four (2004, 2005 – 6), Civil War (2006) a Marvel summer crossover that garnered exc ...
MOONEY, JIM 419 and Daredevil: Man Without Fear (1993) and contributed work to Image Comics ( Spawn ). In 1998 his graphic novel ...
420 MOORE, ALAN Other notable characters drawn by Mooney include Batman , Spider-Man , Tommy Tomorrow, Th e Legion of Super-Hero ...
MOORE, ALAN 421 short-lived rival to 2000 AD , Warrior , that Moore had the most freedom, creating V for Vendetta and Marvelman ...
422 MORE FUN COMICS a medium with enormous literary potential, while also using his writing to celebrate what makes comics power ...
MORRISON, GRANT 423 tradition of fi rsts, More Fun Comics became the fi rst of DC’s eight main anthologies to be canceled with i ...
424 MOTTER, DEAN Marvel and Th e Flash for DC, and has helmed several radical re-workings of major titles, notably New X-Men. Hi ...
MUTANTS 425 foregrounded plots sometimes get lost in noir twists that never quite untwist enough to provide satisfying narrative ...
426 MUTANTS Initially, Marvel gave mutants singular or a limited range of superpowers; essentially matching one superpower to ea ...
MUTANTS 427 child prodigy of Susan “Invisible Woman” Storm and Reed “Mr. Fantastic” Richards of the Fantastic Four , has been hi ...
428 MUTANTS to help mankind!!... some hate the human race, and wish to destroy it! Some feel that the mutants should be the real ...
MUTANTS 429 #210 (1986), the Marauders entered the scene as a group of hired mutant assassins killing the Morlocks and extractin ...
430 MUTANTS Despite repeated hunts for and attempted elimination of mutants, there have been several places that mutants have co ...
MYSTERY MEN 431 detrimental to the world correlates strongly with the U.S. culture in a post-9/11 paradigm. Selected Bibliograph ...
432 MY TROUBLES WITH WOMEN self-created alter ego “Phoenix Dark” (Ben Stiller), and Th e Blue Raja/ Jeff rey (Hank Azaria) as su ...
MY TROUBLES WITH WOMEN 433 Indeed, the title of the collection, from a story published in two parts in 1980 and 1986, could easi ...
434 MY TROUBLES WITH WOMEN top of a pile of comatose women, stuffi ng his penis into one of their mouths. Although an epilogue b ...
N NAT TURNER. In the historical comic, Nat Turner , artist Kyle Baker portrays the well-known Virginia slave uprising of 1831 fr ...
436 NAZIS wife and children are sold, he cries out to God for justice, interpreting signs such as a solar eclipse as a divinely- ...
NAZIS 437 censored by the government to ensure that the right kinds of messages were commu- nicated, the comics industry was far ...
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